123 research outputs found

    Rozumienie i świadomość grzechu - perspektywa socjologiczna

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    In the article, the concept of sin is analysed within the social sciences, i.e. as an act of transgressing the normative order, which is subject to sociological, anthropological and historical description. Based on documents and empirical materials (surveys, sociological interviews) it is shown how the processes of secularization and change in moral-religious consciousness influence the experience of sin in daily life. Moral relativism, removal from institutions and selective faith, as well as autonomous morality, are an axionormative context where the religious is beginning to be displaced by the "only" ethical. The sociological thesis of the sacrum sphere shrinking in public and social life is analysed in relation to the practice of confession - from this point of view, the sacrament of penance is another area where religious meanings and experience are confronted with those of modern changes in culture and morality.W artykule pojęcie grzechu jest analizowane w ramach nauk społecznych, czyli jako akt przekroczenia porządku normatywnego, który jest przedmiotem socjologicznych, antropologicznych i historycznych opisów. Na podstawie dokumentów i materiałów empirycznych (ankiety, wywiady) socjologiczne pokazano, w jaki sposób procesy laicyzacji i zmiany w świadomości moralno-religijne wpływają na doświadczenie grzechu w życiu codziennym - relatywizm moralny, selektywnej wiary, jak również autonomicznej moralności, są aksjonormatywny kontekście. Socjologiczna praca sfery sacrum kurczącym się w życiu publicznym i społecznym jest analizowana w odniesieniu do praktyki spowiedzi - z tego punktu widzenia, sakrament pokuty to kolejny obszar, w którym znaczenie religijne i doświadczenie mają do czynienia z tymi nowoczesnymi zmianami w kulturze i moralność

    Energy transfer study on Tb3+/Eu3+ Co-activated sol-gel glass-ceramic materials containing MF3 (M = Y, La) nanocrystals for NUV optoelectronic devices

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    In the present work, the Tb3+/Eu3+ co-activated sol-gel glass-ceramic materials (GCs) containing MF3 (M = Y, La) nanocrystals were fabricated during controlled heat-treatment of silicate xerogels at 350 C. The studies of Tb3+ ! Eu3+ energy transfer process (ET) were performed by excitation and emission spectra along with luminescence decay analysis. The co-activated xerogels and GCs exhibit multicolor emission originated from 4fn–4fn optical transitions of Tb3+ (5D4 !7FJ, J = 6–3) as well as Eu3+ ions (5D0 ! 7FJ, J = 0–4). Based on recorded decay curves, it was found that there is a significant prolongation in luminescence lifetimes of the 5D4 (Tb3+) and the 5D0 (Eu3+) levels after the controlled heat-treatment of xerogels. Moreover, for both types of prepared GCs, an increase in ET e ciency was also observed (from ET 16% for xerogels up to ET = 37.3% for SiO2-YF3 GCs and ET = 60.8% for SiO2-LaF3 GCs). The changes in photoluminescence behavior of rare-earth (RE3+) dopants clearly evidenced their partial segregation inside low-phonon energy fluoride environment. The obtained results suggest that prepared SiO2-MF3:Tb3+, Eu3+ GC materials could be considered for use as optical elements in RGB-lighting optoelectronic devices operating under near-ultraviolet (NUV) excitation

    Reddish-Orange Luminescence from BaF2:Eu3+ Fluoride Nanocrystals Dispersed in Sol-Gel Materials

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    Nanocrystalline transparent BaF2:Eu3+ glass-ceramic materials emitting reddish-orange light were fabricated using a low-temperature sol-gel method. Several experimental techniques were used to verify structural transformation from precursor xerogels to sol-gel glass-ceramic materials containing fluoride nanocrystals. Thermal degradation of xerogels was analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and di erential scanning calorimetry method (DSC). The presence of BaF2 nanocrystals dispersed in sol-gel materials was confirmed by the X-ray di raction (XRD) analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In order to detect structural changes in silica network during annealing process, the infrared spectroscopy (IR-ATR) was carried out. In particular, luminescence spectra of Eu3+ and their decays were examined in detail. Some spectroscopic parameters of Eu3+ ions in glass-ceramics containing BaF2 nanocrystals were determined and compared to the values obtained for precursor xerogels. It was observed, that the intensities of two main red and orange emission bands corresponding to the 5D0!7F2 electric-dipole transition (ED) and the 5D0!7F1 magnetic-dipole (MD) transition are changed significantly during transformation from xerogels to nanocrystalline BaF2:Eu3+ glass-ceramic materials. The luminescence decay analysis clearly indicates that the measured lifetime 5D0 (Eu3+) considerably enhanced in nanocrystalline BaF2:Eu3+ glass-ceramic materials compared to precursor xerogels. The evident changes in luminescence spectra and their decays suggest the successful migration of Eu3+ ions from amorphous silica network to low-phonon BaF2 nanocrystals

    Split Moves for Monte-Carlo Tree Search

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    Hematological toxicity of mTOR inhibitors is mild and dose-dependent in patients with tuberous sclerosis and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma

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    Introduction: Everolimus is the primary therapeutic option for patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) and subependymal giant astrocytoma (SEGA). This study aimed to assess the effect of everolimus, a mammalian-target-of-rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, on complete blood count (CBC) parameters in patients with TSC and SEGA. Material and methods: The study included 18 pediatric patients with TSC-associated SEGA tumors as indications for everolimus treatment. During the standard dose therapy and maintenance phase (<50% of standard dose), CBC results and everolimus whole blood concentrations were collected at five study time points. Results: Everolimus contributed to decreasing almost all blood cell values. The most severe toxicity occurred six months after therapy commenced. Dose reduction resulted in slightly normalizing parameters, but they did not return to the initial ones in all cases. During the study, only a few instances of cytopenia were reported. The most common abnormality was granulocytopenia, observed in one in three patients. Almost all cytopenias occurred during the standard treatment phase, and none were classified as severe. Hematological toxicity was not the reason for therapy interruption or withdrawal. Conclusions:A decrease in almost all hematological parameters is widespread during everolimus therapy. Hematological toxicities are rare and mild. The unique abnormality for mTOR inhibitors is microcytosis. Reduction of mTOR inhibitor dose results in a lower frequency of hematological side effects

    Treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacteria colonizing diabetic foot ulcers by OLED induced antimicrobial photodynamic therapy

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    KM, KJP and IDWS were supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant (Agreement N°764837) and NCN Opus Grant No. 2019/35/B/ST4/03280.We evaluate the efficacy of antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy (APDT) for inactivating a variety of antibiotic-resistant clinical strains from diabetic foot ulcers. Here we are focused on APDT based on organic light-emitting diodes (OLED). The wound swabs from ten patients diagnosed with diabetic foot ulcers were collected and 32 clinical strains comprising 22 bacterial species were obtained. The isolated strains were identified with the use of mass spectrometry coupled with a protein profile database and tested for antibiotic susceptibility. 74% of isolated bacterial strains exhibited adaptive antibiotic resistance to at least one antibiotic. All strains were subjected to the APDT procedure using an OLED as a light source and 16 µM methylene blue as a photosensitizer. APDT using the OLED led to a large reduction in all cases. For pathogenic bacteria, the reduction ranged from 1.1-log to > 8 log (Klebsiella aerogenes, Enterobacter cloaca, Staphylococcus hominis) even for high antibiotic resistance (MRSA 5-log reduction). Opportunistic bacteria showed a range from 0.4-log reduction for Citrobacter koseri to > 8 log reduction for Kocuria rhizophila. These results show that OLED-driven APDT is effective against pathogens and opportunistic bacteria regardless of drug resistance.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Fabrication of fluoride nanocrystals and their spectroscopic properties

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    In this work, the fabrication of glass-ceramic materials containing MF3:Eu3+ (M = La, Gd) nanocrystals dispersed in silica sol-gel hosts has been presented. The transformation from liquid sols towards bulk samples was also examined based on IR measurements. The crystallization temperatures and formation of MF3 phases were verified based on TG/DSC analysis and XRD measurements. The optical properties of prepared Eu3+-doped samples were evaluated based on PLE and PL as well as luminescence decay analysis of the 5D0 excited state. Obtained samples exhibit a series of the 5D0 → 7FJ (J = 1–4) emission bands, which were recorded within the reddish-orange spectral area under near-UV illumination (λexc = 393 nm). Recorded luminescence spectra and double-exponential character of decay curves for prepared glass-ceramic samples indicated the successful migration of Eu3+ dopant ions from amorphous silica framework to low-phonon energy MF3 nanocrystal phases

    Sol-Gel Glass-Ceramic Materials Containing CaF2:Eu3+ Fluoride Nanocrystals for Reddish-Orange Photoluminescence Applications

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    CaF2:Eu3+ glass-ceramic sol-gel materials have been examined for reddish-orange photoluminescence applications. The transformation from precursor xerogels to glass-ceramic materials with dispersed fluoride nanocrystals was verified using several experimental methods: di erential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TG), X-ray di raction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR-ATR), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and photoluminescence measurements. Based on luminescence spectra and their decays, the optical behavior of Eu3+ ions in fabricated glass-ceramics were characterized and compared to those of precursor xerogels. In particular, the determined luminescence lifetime of the 5D0 excited state of Eu3+ ions in nanocrystalline CaF2:Eu3+ glass-ceramic materials is significantly prolonged in comparison with prepared xerogels. The integrated intensities of emission bands associated to the 5D0 ! 7F2 electric-dipole transition (ED) and the 5D0 !7F1 magnetic-dipole transition (MD) are changed drastically during controlled ceramization process of xerogels. This implies the e cient migration of Eu3+ ions from amorphous silicate sol-gel network into low-phonon energy CaF2 nanocrystals

    Studies of sol-gel evolution and distribution of Eu3+ ions in glassceramics containing LaF3 nanocrystals depending on initial sols composition

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    In this work, we performed a systematic analysis of the impact of selected chemical reagents used in sol-gel synthesis (i.e., N,N-dimethylformamide) and different catalyst agents (i.e., CH3COOH, HNO3) on the formation and luminescence of Eu3+-doped SiO2–LaF3 nano-glass–ceramics. Due to the characteristic nature of intra-configurational electronic transitions of Eu3+ ions within the 4f6 manifold (5D0 → 7FJ, J = 0–4), they are frequently used as a spectral probe. Thus, the changes in the photoluminescence profile of Eu3+ ions could identify the general tendency of rare earth materials to segregate inside low-phonon energy fluoride nanocrystals, which allows us to assess their application potential in optoelectronics. Fabricated sol-gel materials, from sols to gels and xerogels to nano-glass–ceramics, were examined using several experimental techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR), and luminescence measurements. It was found that the distribution of Eu3+ ions between the amorphous silicate solgel host and LaF3 nanocrystals is strictly dependent on the initial composition of the obtained sols, and the lack of N,N-dimethylformamide significantly promotes the segregation of Eu3+ ions inside LaF3 nanocrystals. As a result, we detected long-lived luminescence from the 5D0 excited state equal to 6.21 ms, which predisposes the obtained glass–ceramic material for use as an optical element in reddish-orange emitting devices